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11.05.2015 09:20 Leeftijd: 9 yrs
Categorie: AGENDA

BSR Section Meeting Belgian Society of Neuroradiology - 11/05/2015

Dear Colleagues
We are pleased to invite  you to the next meeting of the Belgian Society of Neuroradiology, section of the BSR. This meeting will take place on Monday May 11th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Erasme Hospital, Brussels.

Case reports as well as published or not yet published series and research projects are welcome.

Please send the title of your contribution before April 30th, 2015
to Dr. Patrice Jissendi

Please also note the dates for the next meetings:
Saturday, September 26th, 2015: BSNR morning symposium on neurodegeneration
Saturday, October 31st, 2015: BSNR morning symposium on brain inflammation
Monday, November 22nd, 2015: BSNR regular meeting

Best regards,
Prof.dr. Rik Achten and Dr. Patrice Jissendi Tchofo
President and Secretary of the Belgian Society of Neuroradiology