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08.12.2016 10:00 Leeftijd: 8 yrs
Categorie: AGENDA

BSR section Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology - 08/12/2016

BSR section Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology

Thursday December 8th, 2015 at UZ Leuven 
(Campus Gasthuisberg, Dienst Radiologie, Auditorium Prof. Baert, 
Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven). 

For this first meeting organized by your new representatives, we would like to propose a general program about medicolegal issues in interventional radiology. During the second part of the meeting, we will submit to you the modifications and additional features that we would like to put to the CVIR section (calendar changes, IR listing, specific vascular and non-vascular topics for the next meetings, ...) and collect your suggestions and wishes.

Walking dinner: 19h00-20h00

Scientific program:

- 20h00-20h45: Medicolegal issues in Belgium, with a specific focus on interventional radiology
Invited speaker: Mr. Pierre CAMBIER, Board Member & Marketing Director at AMMA Verzekeringen/Assurances

- 20h45-21h30: IR Bad-cases presentations: discussions about the medicolegal issues
Dr. Tom de Beule (IR, AZ St Lucas), Dr. Fabrice Deprez (IR, CHU UCL Namur, Godinne) & Mr Pierre Cambier (AMMA)

- 21h30-22h00: Evolution of the (CV)IR section: What could we do? 
Dr. Tom de Beule (IR, AZ St Lucas) & Dr. Fabrice Deprez (IR, CHU UCL Namur, Godinne), new representatives of the section 


Accreditation in Ethics and Economy has been requested (n° 16025275).


Dr Fabrice Deprez (french representative / president of the section/ )

Dr Tom de Beule (flemish representative / secretary of the section/ )